Crime Prevention
This Hunters Hill Crime Prevention Strategy and Action Plan outlines Council’s commitment to ensuring that residents feel safe, in and around their neighbourhood; whether they are walking their dog, going to the shops, visiting foreshore areas or going out for dinner in the local area.
The Hunters Hill Crime Prevention Strategy and Action Plan provides context for Council’s commitment to a safe community. This document identifies the key safety areas in which Council will work and the way in which the organisation will engage in strengthening capacity and resilience for a safe community.
This Strategy has been informed by:
- NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOSCAR)
- Police Safety Audit
- Profile ID statistics
- Previous Community Strategic Plan and current Community Plan
- Community engagement, including community surveys
- The Hunters Hill Crime Prevention Strategy and Action Plan (which Councillors received a briefing on in 2019) and has been endorsed by Ryde Local Area Command (PAC)
- The document has been updated with current crime statistics and complies with the NSW Communities and Justice Guidelines, which will enable Council to apply for any complying crime prevention grants.
Council will continue to work with stakeholders to implement the initiatives within the Action Plan.
Crime Prevention Strategy and Action Plan(PDF, 9MB)