Motorcycle Safety
Every October Motorcycle Awareness Month is promoted by the Motorcycle Council of NSW.
On average, more than 7 motorcyclists are killed or injured every day on the road.
Council’s Road Safety Officers work closely with our local motorcycle shop to promote motorcycle safety messaging and Transport for NSW ‘Ride to Live’ campaign. The ‘Ride to Live’ campaign was developed by TfNSW. The campaign aims to promote good motorcycle riding decision making.
The Centre for Road Safety has developed safety tips for motorcycle riders on:
MOTOCAP is an independent free resource supported by government and private road safety organisations across Australia and New Zealand. MotoCAP test gear using rigorous scientific methods to provide ratings for motorcyclists helping them to choose the right gear with the best protection and breathability for their ride.
CRASH provides motorcycle helmet buyers with independent and consistent information on the varying levels of protection from injury in a motorcycle crash.