Disability and Inclusion
Council’s DIAP has been developed jointly with the City of Ryde and Lane Cove Councils. This is the second Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) for these Councils under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014. Over the past four years both Councils have upgraded and built new accessible recreation and cultural facilities, improved accessibility of public buildings and spaces and delivered community awareness programs that recognise the value and skill that people with disability bring to our communities and workplaces. As part of the process of developing the Plan, extensive consultations were held with community groups, people with disabilities, their carers and staff from the Council. This process provided valuable information on the issues and barriers facing people with disability.
The DIAP identifies actions and addresses 4 focus areas:
- Attitudes and behaviours
- Liveable communities
- Employment
- Systems and processes
The DIAP stands as our Council’s commitment to provide support for people with disability. The Action Plan is guiding Council in its current and future work and will be revised annually to ensure services and programs are inclusive.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan(PDF, 25MB)