Local Traffic Committee

The Local Traffic Committee is a technical advisory group that reviews proposed traffic measures to ensure they meet technical criteria and local needs.

Whilst Transport for NSW is responsible for traffic control on all roads in New South Wales, they have delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on local roads to Council.

If you have a parking or traffic issue, you can notify Council through email and the matter will then be investigated. If there is merit on implementing any measure to regulate traffic, prior to Council resolution, a community consultation will be carried out and a report tabled for the Local Traffic Committee to consider.

Traffic measures may include:

  • regulatory road signs and line marking, including parking restrictions
  • pedestrian crossings, such as zebra and children’s crossings
  • traffic islands, whether line-marked or constructed with concrete
  • traffic calming facilities
  • roundabouts and turning lanes.

The Committee includes formal members from: 

  • Transport for NSW
  • Police
  • representative from Council
  • Local State Member of Parliament or their nominee

Informal advisors may also attend. These advisors include: 

  • Council technical officers
  • Road Safety Officers
  • bus and taxi operators
  • emergencies services such as Fire and Rescue NSW or NSW Ambulance.

Recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee are then heard at the following Council meeting for determination.