Richard Quinn

Councillor (South Ward)

Re-cropped headshot of Councillor Richard Quinn

Clr Quinn has lived in Hunters Hill for more than 30 years and served as Mayor from 2012 - 2017 after 11 years as a Councillor. Clr Quinn was re elected as a Councillor during the 2021 local government elections.

Clr Quinn was a vocal advocate for the Hunters Hill community in 2016 when the State Government attempted to force council amalgamations. He also campaigned strongly for the community for the remediation of Nelson Parade.

Clr Quinn’s priorities for Council include working hard to get the basics right, including development application processing times, road and footpath maintenance and traffic management plans; provision of high-quality, accessible sporting and community recreation facilities; and master planning for Gladesville.

As the Chair of the Movement and Transport Advisory Committee, in addition to sitting on Council’s Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee, Clr Quinn is well versed on the issues affecting the local community. His advocacy on behalf of local residents is presented with common sense and in consideration of the opinions of his peers.