Ross Williams

Councillor (North Ward)

Headshot of Councillor Ross Williams

Clr Williams was elected to Council in 2017. However, he has been serving the people of Hunters Hill since 1987, with terms as Deputy Mayor from 1987 – 1989 and 2017 – 2018, and as Mayor from 1989 – 1993 and 2020 – 2021. Clr Williams holds the title of ‘Emeritus Mayor’ for his service as Mayor.

Clr Williams is a passionate independent Councillor. His goals include, independent and transparent decision-making; timely, efficient, and responsive service delivery; meaningful and inclusive community consultation.

Clr Williams is the Chair of the Bushland Management Advisory Committee, Council’s Conservation Advisory Panel and Art Advisory Committee. He is an avid advocate for gardens, tree canopy, and bushland environments; the built and natural heritage, and sustainability. His strong community focus supports social inclusion and connections.