Embracing Hunters Hill’s French Heritage
Since 2024, we have seen the wonderful French market operator ‘Le Marche,’ introduce weekend markets to Woolwich with the support of the Dockyard.
It is a pleasure to announce that these markets have been secured and will continue throughout 2025; providing some much-loved colour, flare and an ongoing local celebration of Hunters Hill’s unique French heritage.
Held the second Sunday of every month, the first market of 2025 will take place this Sunday 9 February 2025 at the Woolwich Dock from 9am.
It is a wonderful way to bring our community together to enjoy some Parisian food or other French fare, so I encourage everyone to save the date to drop on down.
Equally, with a new year comes another exciting opportunity for local students to be a part of our ongoing cultural exchange between Hunters Hill and our sister city in France, Le Vesinet.
For many years, the Hunters Hill-Le Vesinet Friendship Committee has helped bring our two communities closer together through their student exchange program.
The program has provided hundreds of students with cultural experiences, special memories and life-long connections.
The Committee is now taking applications for the next cohort of their exchange program.
If you are a student aged between 14 -16 and are living or studying in Hunters Hill, this is a great opportunity to not only improve your French language skills but also experience the French lifestyle firsthand.
For more details and to apply for the exchange program, visit www.huntershill-levesinet.au or reach out to the Hunters Hill-Le Vesinet Friendship Committee by emailing info@huntershill-levesinet.au.
2025 Australia Day Honours
There are so many incredible people who are willing to go the extra mile to make a difference in our community.
The Australia Day Honours List is a great way to celebrate and recognise these exceptional people. It was wonderful to see that local residents Romualdas and Maritsa Cibas were among those on the 2025 Honours List and have each been awarded Medals of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division.
Romualdas was recognised for service to the Australian Lithuanian Community and Maritsa, for service to the Lithuanian Community of Sydney.
This is a great achievement, and I congratulate and thank both Romualdas and Maritsa for their passion, input and service to the community.
Recycle Reuse Rehome
A reminder that our free collection event, Recycle Re-Use Rehome, will be taking place this Saturday 8 February 2025 at Blackman Park, Lloyd Rees Dr, Lane Cove from 10am - 2pm.
Residents can drop off bicycles, e-bikes, scooters, e-scooters, used and torn clothing, textiles, shoes, bric-a-brac, sporting goods, small homewares, soft plastics and more to be recycled. You can also have your bike checked and tuned by the Revolve Recycling mechanics on site.
For the full list of items that can be collected and more information, visit www.huntershill.nsw.gov.au/Community/Events/Recycle-Re-use-Re-home.