Blue Plaques Program

Published on 25 June 2024


Nominations for the NSW Blue Plaques Program is open until Sunday 30 June.

Now in its third year, it aims to promote the stories of people and events that have shaped the history of NSW. It mirrors a similar initiative that started in the UK in 1866.

Below are some requirements that must be met, as listed on the Blue Plaques program:

  • the nomination must relate to a person, group or event
  • the person, group or event must be real/historically accurate
  • their story must be appropriate, sensitive, and engaging to a wide public audience
  • the person/people must have passed away more than 20 years ago
  • the event must have taken place more than 20 years ago
  • the location suggested for the plaque must be in NSW, must have a direct connection to the story, and be visible and accessible to the public 24/7

Nominations can be made online here:

Successful nominations will have a blue plaque installed in a publicly accessible place, in recognition of the individual or event that has had an impact on NSW's history.

As Australia’s oldest garden suburb with more than 500 Local Heritage Items, many of our local historical figures could be recognised with a blue plaque in our municipality.

If you need some inspiration, there are 70 footpath plaques across our municipality that were created and installed to identify some of our historic places and the people who have lived here. The project was undertaken by the Hunters Hill Historical Society and installed by Hunter’s Hill Council The first 40 plaques were initially installed in 2011 to celebrate our sesquicentenary. The plaques were generously funded by the Armati Family and Mostyn Family Foundation.

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