Montefiore proceeds to Gateway Determination
Published on 01 July 2024
The Montefiore Planning Proposal has been issued a gateway determination by the NSW government, to proceed to the next stage of the rezoning process, subject to conditions.
The planning proposal seeks to amend the Hunters Hill Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2012 to accommodate additional density for seniors housing.
The Sydney North Planning Panel is appointed as the Planning Proposal Authority (PPA). The NSW Minister for Planning or an appointed delegate is the Local Plan-Making Authority.
The NSW Government advised that the PPA should aim to commence the exhibition of the Planning Proposal as soon as possible, noting the updates required as part of the conditions prior to public exhibition. Council has also been advised that the proposed LEP amendments are to be finalised within 12 months of the Gateway Determination (on or before 5 May 2025).
Hunters Hill Council rejected this Planning Proposal at its September 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting. The proponent, UrbisPty Ltd on behalf of the Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home, requested an independent planning panel evaluation. Council is therefore not overseeing the exhibition and consultation phase and feedback relating to the Planning Proposal is managed by the PPA and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure as applicable.
Council will continue to keep the community informed. As soon as further information becomes available about the timeframe and process of lodging feedback, the Montefiore project page on Council's website will be updated.