NSW Gov Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy

Published on 27 February 2025

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The NSW Government has now introduced the second stage of the Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy (LMR).

The new reforms change planning controls within 800 metres around 171 town centres and stations to allow dual-occupancies, terraces, townhouses and residential flat buildings across metropolitan Sydney, the Central Coast, Illawarra-Shoalhaven and Hunter regions.

The changes, which come into effect on 28 February 2025, will ease controls on developing terraces, townhouses and low-rise residential flat buildings on R1 and R2 zoned land, while also easing controls on medium rise residential flat buildings on R3 and R4 zoned land in these areas.

These changes will still allow Council to assess important development conditions including parking, light access and minimum frontages.

Sites were selected by the NSW Government considering the following criteria:

  • access to goods and services in the area
  • public transport frequencies and travel times
  • critical infrastructure capacity hazards and constraints
  • local housing targets and rebalancing growth

Similar to the Transport Oriented Development sites, the planning controls will apply in heritage conservation areas with council assessment and approval, however not on heritage items.

Stage 2 of the LMR policy has been finalised and will take affect from 28 February 2025. Stage 1 of the policy has been in place since 1 July 2024, allowing dual occupancies and semi-detached dwellings in all R2 low density residential zones across NSW, except for excluded areas.

This second stage of the low and mid-rise policy introduces new planning controls to allow terraces, townhouses, low and mid-rise apartments and shop-top housing within 800 metres of identified town centres and train or light rail stations.

Changes applying in Hunters Hill local government Area.

In Hunters Hill local government area, the second stage of the Low and Mid-Rise Policy will apply to all residential zones within 800 metres walking distance to the following town centres:

  • Boronia Park town centre (Pittwater Road)
  • Gladesville town centre (Victoria Road)


Please note that this map is a guide only. You can view an indicative map of the low and mid-rise housing areas on the Department’s website.

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Summary of key provisions in State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021

To understand specific provisions of the Low and Mid-Rise Reforms regarding permissible developments refer to the details available on the Department’s website.

Various lands are excluded from the policy such as bushfire prone land and certain flood prone lands. Visit Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy exclusions for the complete list of excluded lands.

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