Progress for major projects and events

Published on 28 March 2023

Figtree Park sign

Plans for the revitalisation of Figtree Park have progressed with Hunter’s Hill Council last night (Monday 27 March, 2023) endorsing latest designs for the project.

Council resolved to proceed with the project based on a revised design that does not require the removal of any prescribed vegetation in the park.

The revision follows determinations of the Hunters Hill Local Planning Panel, which refused a development application on 19 December 2022 and a review application on 17 March 2023, for the removal of trees to facilitate the upgrade of Figtree Park.

The revised design includes changes to some pathway locations to ensure the protection of trees and root zones, and a re-routing of some underground services.

The latest design retains an amenities building, a playground, and vastly improved drainage, amenity, and accessibility.

Council is expected to consider a recommendation at its April meeting for the award of a construction contract for the Figtree Park project.

The project is being funded through a $4.75million grant under the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program and is informed by an extensive multi-phase community consultation process.

Council last night also endorsed dates and venues for upcoming major events, on recommendations from community-led advisory committees.

Moocooboola Festival will return to Boronia Park ovals in 2023 and is scheduled for Sunday 6 August.

The Hunters Hill Art Exhibition will run at Town Hall with key dates to include:

  • Thursday 12 October 2023: Buyers’ Preview
  • Friday 13 October 2023: Opening Night
  • Saturday 14 October – Sunday 22 October: General Exhibition

Young in Art, an exhibition of works by local school students, is scheduled from Thursday 9 November until Sunday 12 November at Hunters Hill Town Hall. 

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