Heritage Areas & Items

Heritage Stone Walls with Ivy and Trees

What is a Heritage Conservation Area?

A heritage conservation area is an area that displays unifying attributes or elements of heritage significance, and can include parts and sections of places, towns and villages, landscapes.

There are seven heritage conservation areas in Hunters Hill Local Government Area, listed in Part 2 of Schedule 5 of the Local Environmental Plan (LEP), they are:

  • Department of Housing Subdivision, DP13260 (C435)
  • Figtree Subdivision, DP 988 (C450)
  • Foss’ Subdivision (C451)
  • Hunters Hill Conservation Area No 1 – The Peninsula (C1)
  • Hunters Hill Conservation Area No 2 – The Isler (C2)
  • Hunters Hill Conservation Area No 3 – Gladesville Village (C3)
  • Sunnyside Estate Subdivision, DP 808 (C422).

What is a Heritage Item?

A heritage item is something that has been assessed as having heritage significance or value to the community of a local government area, and which is adopted by the council and listed in the Heritage Schedule of a Local Environmental Plan.

Information on Hunters Hill’s Heritage Conservation Areas can be found here(PDF, 68MB).

The assessment process is generally based on the heritage significance of something, these being: Historical, Associational, Aesthetic, Social, Research, Rarity, Representative.

The assessment process is followed by a statutory process of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979) to list the item of heritage significance in the Heritage Schedule of a Local Environmental Plan.

There are 515 Local Heritage Items and nine State Heritage Items in the Hunters Hill Local Government Area listed in Part 1 of Schedule 5 of Hunters Hill Local Environmental Plan 2012 and shown on the Heritage Maps associated with the LEP.

The LEP, Schedule 5 and the Heritage Maps can be viewed at the NSW legislation website.

The Burra Charter, developed by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and the NSW Heritage Manual, developed by the NSW Government are the foundation documents for assessing and conserving heritage in NSW.

State Heritage Register

The State Heritage Register list heritage items that are of heritage significance or value to the people of NSW. State Heritage Items are assessed by the NSW Heritage Council and are made items under the Heritage Act.

There are nine State Heritage Items in Hunters Hill local government area that are on the State Heritage Register.