Local Housing Strategy
Local Housing Strategies are required to be prepared by all NSW councils to meet the obligations of the State and regional planning framework, which includes the Greater Sydney Region Plan – A Metropolis of Three Cities and District Plans for Greater Sydney, developed by the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC). The Hunters Hill Local Housing Strategy (LHS) must be consistent with the North District Plan. Equally, the LHS reflects the vision and priorities contained within the adopted Hunters Hill Community Strategic Plan and Local Strategic Planning Statement.
The Hunters Hill LHS was prepared in accordance with guidelines provided by the Department Planning Industry and Environment and provides the following objectives:
- Establishes a vision for housing delivery in the Hunter’s Hill LGA
- Identifies opportunities and constraints influencing housing supply, demand and capacity in Hunters Hill
- Outlines how the LGA is tracking against the 5- and 6-10-year dwellings targets outlined in the North District Plan
- Outlines priorities and actions to deliver on the vision for housing in the LGA
- Provides strategies aimed at delivering new and upgraded housing supply to meet demand and satisfy the priorities of the Hunters Hill Community Strategic Plan and Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Recommends planning and policy mechanisms to encourage supply, diversity and housing choice in Hunter’s Hill to meet the changing needs of the local community.
The LHS was adopted by Council on 26 April 2021, following a 28 day exhibition period in which 37 submissions were received.
Hunters Hill Local Housing Strategy(PDF, 6MB)