The Hunters Hill Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) was adopted as a planning instrument at its meeting of 27 April 2020.
The LSPS was then published on the NSW Planning Portal on 4 May 2020, at which time it came into force.
The LSPS outlines the 20-year vision for land use in the Municipality of Hunters Hill, and shows how the Greater Sydney Regional Plan and the North District Plan’s directions are to be implemented locally. It has considered economic, social and environmental matters for our area, along with housing, place making and land supply needs for new and renewal lands.
The LSPS includes planning priorities and actions, an implementation program and a structure plan, that visually shows key directions and principles for the area over the next 20-years.
Notably, the LSPS is not just a land-use-supply planning instrument, but rather a plan that addresses land use planning, management and sustainability as part of place-making focus for the community. The LSPS involves public and private lands and operates alongside the Community Strategic Plan.
Council is focused on creating a better place for our community across its various services and functions, and the LSPS will help guide Council activities.
- The LSPS was prepared to meet the requirements of Section 3.9 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- The LSPS was publicly exhibited from 16 September to 25 October 2019, and 25 submissions were received
- Council endorsed the LSPS on 24 February 2020 so that it could be submitted to the Greater Sydney Commission for endorsement
- The Greater Sydney Commission provided written advice on 24 March 2020 that it supported the LSPS and that it was consistent with the regional and district plans. This was required before Council could make the LSPS
- The target date for adopting the LSPS was 31 March 2020 (Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Regulations). Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic occurring in Australia and in response to the Australian Government and NSW Government directions and health orders, it was not possible for Council to adopt the LSPS by 31 March 2020. Therefore Council adopted the LSPS at its next available meeting in April 2020. The NSW Government subsequently amended the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation by deleting the target date
- The LSPS is a ‘strategic planning instrument’, like a regional strategic plan and a district strategic plan. A local environmental plan and a state environmental planning policy are ‘environmental planning instruments’
- The LSPS is required to be reviewed at least every seven years by Council, who may review the statement sooner.
Local Strategic Planning Statement(PDF, 15MB)