
A weed is any plant that colonises and persists in an ecosystem in which it did not previously exist. Many plants introduced into Australia in the last 200 years are now weeds.

Weeds can be spread by birds, animals, wind and people. They cause problems by smothering native vegetation, blocking waterways and increasing the risk of flooding.

Weeds and the risk they pose to the economy, environment, human health and amenity cannot be managed effectively unless we share responsibility. Changes in NSW legislation in 2017 saw the former Noxious Weeds Act 1993 repealed and replaced by the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 and Biosecurity Regulation.

Council has obligations under this Act to manage weeds on Council land and inspect private land to ensure land owners/managers are carrying out their obligations. In addition all landowners or land managers have a responsibility to control Priority Weeds on their property, known as a General Biosecurity Duty. If Council’s Authorised Officers believe that the land owner/occupier is failing in their Biosecurity Duty to control weeds on their land, then they can issue a Biosecurity Direction to prevent, eliminate or minimise the biosecurity risk.

Weeds are now divided into State, Regional and Local Priority Weeds (formerly referred to as Noxious Weeds).

State and Regional priority weeds were identified through the development of the Greater Sydney Regional Weed Management Plan(PDF, 1MB) and outcomes for these weeds demonstrated compliance with the General Biosecurity Duty for the species listed in Appendix 1 of this plan.

Priority weeds for Hunters Hill are available on the NSW Department of Primary Industries website. Descriptions, photographs and control methods of many of these weeds are available on this website or the Sydney Weeds Network website.

Weeds on Neighbouring Properties

The quickest and most effective way of dealing with weed issues on your neighbours’ property is to resolve the matter together. 

If the issue cannot be resolved you can contact the Community Justice Centre who will provide free advice and mediation if required. 

The Trees (Disputes between Neighbours) Act 2006 provides for proceedings in the Land and Environment Court for the resolution of disputes between neighbours concerning trees and relating matters. 

Advice and Assistance

Hunter’s Hill Council is a member of the Sydney Weeds Network (Sydney Weeds Central), which coordinates a regional approach to weed management.

The Pesticide Notification Plan(PDF, 295KB) and fact sheet(PDF, 213KB) provide information on the use of herbicide in the local community. 

Council staff can also help to identify weeds and provide advice on weed removal, and can determine if a weed needs to be controlled under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015

For further assistance or to report weeds please contact Council on 02 9789 9400 or email info@huntershill.nsw.gov.au.