
Stormwater Outflow

Stormwater pollution is a major problem in the Hunters Hill local area. The construction of roads, footpaths, driveways and other hard surfaces has changed the way water flows through the Hunters Hill catchment. These changes can have a range of adverse impacts.

Poor water quality and degraded aquatic ecosystem health in rivers and creeks impacts on the quality of our beaches and coastal areas we all like to enjoy. Altered stormwater flow can change the pattern of flow in streams and rivers impacting on fish and other marine life.

Council is attempting to reduce the impact we have on the natural waterways by educating residents in problem areas and implementing strategies to better manage the urban catchment and stormwater infrastructure.

By managing what we put onto hard surfaces and into drains we can reduce the frequency and magnitude of localised flooding events and improve the water quality of Lane Cove and Parramatta Rivers that border the Hunters Hill Peninsula.

If you need to acquire information about our stormwater assets, please see this link for details.