
Manly Large Leaf Privet

There are four types of exemptions that apply to the approval for pruning and removal of trees:


You don't need permission to trim or remove hedges if:

  • the pruning is regular maintenance and involves cutting back less than 500mm in relation to the hedge's current size (height, width, or depth)
  • the branches being pruned are less than 30mm thick.

Dead Trees

You don’t need permission to remove dead branches or dead trees, however you must ensure that the tree is not home to any native fauna.

Prior to removal it is recommended that you:

  • seek professional advice to confirm that the tree is dead
  • notify Council of your intention to remove the tree and provide evidence that the tree is dead. 

Exempt Species

If your property is a heritage item or if your tree is listed on the significant tree register you will need to submit a development application, even if the tree species is listed as an exempt species. 

Botanical name

Common name

Acacia baileyana

Cootamundra Wattle

Acacia podalyrifolia

Mount Morgan Wattle

Acacia saligna

Golden Willow Wattle

Acer negundo

Box Elder

Ailanthus altissima

Tree of Heaven

Cinnamomum camphora (not exempt if 10m or more in height)

Camphor Laurel

Celtis spp. (not exempt if 10m or more in height)


Cotoneaster spp.


Eriobotrya japonica

Loquat Tree

Erythrina spp. (not exempt if 10m or more in height)

Coral Trees

Ficus elastica

Rubber Tree

Gleditsia triacanthos

Honey Locust

Grevillea robusta

Silky Oak

Lagunana patersonii

Norfolk Is. Hibiscus

Ligustrum lucidum and cvs

Large Leaf Privet

Ligustrum sinense

Small Leaf Privet

Liquidambar styraciflua (not exempt if 10m or more in height)


Musa cavendishii


Nerium oleander


Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata

African Olive

Pinus radiata

Radiata Pine

Pinus eliottii

Slash Pine

Populus spp. (not exempt if 10m or more in height)


Robinia pseudoacaia

Black Locust

Salix spp.


Schefflera actinophylla

Umbrella Tree

Syagrus romanzoffianum

Cocos Palm

Extract from Hunters Hill Consolidated Development Control Plan(PDF, 6MB).