Occupy Public Space

This application is to seek permission to access or occupy public space including carriageways, footpaths, nature strips, park reserves, public open space and other Council owned lane. For example approval is require is a construction site fence or scaffold sits outside of the property boundary. 


Step 1.Prepare Documents

To apply for a occupy public space permit you must provide:

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency (minimum $20,000,000 with an endorsement of Hunter's Hill Council as an interested party) 
  • traffic control plan (certified by an RMS accredited ticket holdertraffic management plan, including traffic control plan and pedestrian management plan (certified by an RMS accredited ticket holder)
  • written approval from third parties including NSW Police, RMS etc.
  • plans or detailed diagrams
  • dilapidation report

Step 2.Select Date

Applications must be submitted a minimum of seven business days prior to proposed work date or an urgency fee of $637.00 applies. Applications submitted with less than three days noticed will be refused.

Step 3.Apply and Pay

Apply Now

Step 4.Receive Your Permit

Council staff will email you a copy of your permit once it has been approved. A copy of this approval must be available on site at all times.

Under no circumstances should placement occur or work commence without receipt of approval from Council.