Plastic Free July: Reducing Pollution

Published on 02 July 2024

Net bags fresh produce.jpg

Is it time to break up with the plastics in your life?

There’s no denying that plastic makes life much easier but the prevalence of its use comes at a cost to our environment.

The NSW Government banned the use of certain single-use plastics in 2022 and continues to work towards further bans of problematic plastics that commonly end up in our waterways. Thankfully these bans have helped many people re-think the single-use plastics in their lives.

Plastic Free July is a global movement helping people be part of the solution to our over reliance on single-use plastics. Fun fact – one of our very own Hunters Hill locals was a founding member!

Here’s some simple ways you can break up with plastic:

  • BYO coffee cup or dine in to use their ceramics
  • Use netted washing bags for your fruit and veg – just wash and reuse
  • Keep straws and reusable cutlery handy in the car for those times you didn’t plan to eat out
  • Consider using cloth nappies or reusable period products (link to new page)
  • BYO container for your takeaway food
  • Refuse plastic bags from small retailers – use your hands!
  • Refill containers of pantry staples from bulk food stores – our closest retail store is in Lane Cove
  • Keep water bottles handy in the car or your bag so you don’t have to buy them
  • Rethink how you celebrate with reusable decorations and thoughtful party favours like seedlings, locally made jams or vouchers for local small businesses
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