New maintenance shed at Boronia Park

Published on 22 September 2024

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Council is advising the community of the construction of a maintenance shed in Boronia Park.

Works will take place from Monday 23 September 2024 until further notice, weather permitting. During construction, the park toilets will closed. Public toilets are available in the breezeway of the new Boronia Park Sports and Community Facility.

The primary purpose of this shed is to store the ride on mowers and tractor used for grass maintenance at Boronia Park. No chemicals will be stored on site in the maintenance shed.

The tractor currently travels to Boronia Park on the local road network.

At the Council Meeting held on 29 July 2024, elected members voted unanimously to close the meeting to the general public for agenda item 8.2 in accordance with section 10A(2)(d)i of the Local Government Act 1993 because it contained commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

Following the closed part of the meeting it was announced that Council resolved to accept the recommended tenderer to construct the maintenance shed between ovals two and three at Boronia Park and complete an internal fit out renewal under the existing grandstand.

A maintenance shed is permissible under the Boronia Park Plan of Management (POM). The development of the POM involved extensive community consultation.

Council currently utilises locations at Hunters Hill, Henley and Buffalo Creek to store routine maintenance equipment. This decentralised operational model across the municipality enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of maintaining open space and standard operational work.

Additionally, Council will be renewing the internal fit out of the existing Boronia Park grandstand.

The grandstand currently accommodates public amenities and services for Council staff, sporting and community groups and the general public. The internal upgrade to this facility will further support existing stakeholders and the broader community.

A Review of the Environmental Factors (REF) that demonstrates how the environmental factors specified in Section 171(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 were taken into account when considering the likely impact of the proposed maintenance shed and internal fit out renewal under the existing grandstand has been prepared. The documents can be viewed here:

Funding for the proposal was outlined in Council’s 2024-25 budget which was placed on public exhibition before formal adoption by Council.

Council will continue to implement the site specific Boronia Park Plan of Management objectives to ensure the ongoing support of open space, native flora and fauna communities as well as active and passive recreation.

Council will provide further updates on the works as the project progresses.

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